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KSCA is excited to be offering Online Professional Learning opportunities for you.  EILA credit will only be given to those who watch the presentation live and complete the Google Form at the end of each session.

If you have an idea for a session or would like to present, please contact Naomi Colliver (

Online Professional Learning (2024-2025)

Improving Attendance & Behaviors (October 2, 2024)

Presenter: Amy Riley, KSCA President-Elect

Recording of Virtual Training (Part 1) (Part 2)

Advocacy in Action (August 23, 2024)

Presenter: Sarah Akin, KSCA Advocacy Chair

Recording of Virtual Training



Legislation and resources:

KRS 156.095 Suicide Prevention

BHDID Recommendations for School Suicide Prevention Training Toolkit​​​​.

HB 142: An ACT relating to products that contain nicotine

- Addressing Substance Abuse and Vaping

Catch My Breath (anti-vaping curriculum)

Steered Straight - The Dangers of Drugs by Michael Deleon

Drug-Free World (free resources and courses in multiple languages)

Stanford Curriculum Resources (vaping, tobacco, hookah)

ASPIRE (multilingual curriculum)

Alliance for a Healthier Generation resources for staff, students, families

Ask, Listen, Learn (ages 9-13)

MTSS Regulation

Kentucky School Counselor MTSS Framework

- Screeners (shared in chat during session): BASC-3, SRSS-IE, Renaissance FundamentalsPanorama Student Competency Survey, SAEBRS, Terrace Matrix, etc.

-- Consider what your district is doing to determine if tier 1 is working to fidelity with 80% of students being successful with behavior.  Also, what data supports moving students into tier 2, and then tier 3?

SB 150

2023 Legislative Guide

Online Professional Learning (2023-2024)

Closing the Gap in Attendance (April 24, 2024)

Presenters: Tonia Stallions, Dawn Erickson, & Megan Murray

Recording of Virtual Training

Strategic Self-Care & Wellness for School Counselors (March 19, 2024)

Presenter: Amber Nickels



Anxiety + Avoidance = Signs + Strategies (February 20, 2024)

Presenter: Charle Peck



Freebies : Slides - Anxiety + Avoidance.pdf, Rapid Resets.pdf, Worksheet - Anxiety + Avoidance.pdf 

School Mental Health Audit

KSCA Panel - School Counselor Roles & Responsibilities (November 10, 2023)

Presenters: Heather Bushelman, Sherlyn Bratcher, Andrea Sebastian, Dr. Susan Rose, Amy Beal, Amy Riley and Naomi Colliver



Online Professional Learning (2022-2023)

Creating Change through Your Calendar (March 29, 2023)

Presenter: Amy Beal

Video of session

PDF of Slides

Tech Tools for School Counselors (January 26, 2023)

Presenter: Dyann Wilson

Video of Session

Resources from Session

Inclusion during the Holidays (November 15, 2022)

Presenters: Dr. Roger Cleveland and Skip Cleavinger

Video of session

Empowering School-based Mental Health Providers to Advocate and Collaborate Effectively with Administrators (October 18, 2022)

Presenters: Heather Bushelman and Dr. Sharon Todd

Video of session

Online Professional Learning (2021-2022)

SEL Integration (February 25, 2022)

Presenters: Sona Miller and Fahlin Anderson


Trauma-Informed Practices (January 28, 2022)

Presenter: Jalina Wheeler


Links from Trauma-Informed Practices Training KSCA-J. Wheeler

SEL and the Arts (January 14, 2022)

Presenter: Naomi Colliver


Google Slides

Technology is Your Friend (December 1, 2021)

Presenters: Francine Kemper and Stacey Russell

Resources shared:
Counselor Contact Log
Counselor Request Form
Needs Assessment – Student
Needs Assessment – Parent
Needs Assessment – Teacher
Smore Newsletter
Monthly Data Report



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