Check out Hardin County Elementary Counselors' website - so many resources! Thank you Aimee Pike, School Counselor at Rineyville Elementary School for sharing!
Aimee Pike, School Counselor at Rineyville Elementary School also shared her "Year at a Glance Calendar"
Katelyn Johnson from Highland Elementary School shared her Monthly Report stating that it "helps me keep track or participation data for my program. I fill these out each month and share with my principal. I also copy and paste these into my advisory councils twice a year so everyone knows what I'm doing. Another way I used this data was during national school counseling week. I added up totals and shared the # of times I met with kids individually, groups, classroom lessons and shared with my staff to promote my program."
DJ Riggs, School Counselor at Ben Johnson Elementary School shared several Google Slides, see below:
Social Emotional Library-74 SEL read alouds broken into 17 different topics such as: Developing Self-Awareness, Building Confidence, Understanding Emotions, and others. Click a book in the library and it takes you to a video.link, formerly safetube, youtube video of the read aloud. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hVJSsJLGAnUKt1J_b-zhJetjLTx0Hyx2wJ7c6Eb0dxE/edit?usp=sharing
Virtual Calm Down Spot-Virtual Calming Corner with different movement videos, visuals, books, breathing exercises, mindful minutes, and activities to help calm and reset students when they need it. All youtube videos have been made safe with video.link, formerly safetube. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lsQG_L3P0J1Zm52mtuC9R75kra_hgxN75l98ZT26AeY/edit?usp=sharing
Mindful Minutes- Mindful Minutes slide that has 20 different mindful minute videos that can be easily accessed by clicking on one of the floating numbers. All mindful minute videos have been made safe to view with video.link, formerly safetube.
Julia Cook Library-Social Skills- Library of youtube read alouds of 19 Julia Cook books and a meet the author video on her picture. Each youtube video has been made safe to view with video.link, formerly safetube. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1y30vXyfCw1El8bUVz01ZWiV0y97tl8EGiMSih2F4Bbs/edit?usp=sharing
This is a spending plan activity that I made digital off of an in-class activity using google sheets. It comes from a 7th-9th grade activity I found called "Diving Into Spending Plans". I use it with 4th and 5th grade classes. I made it with google sheets and formatted it with checkboxes and formulas to make it super simple for students to use. All they have to do is check boxes and all the math is done for them. It also has an education cards link that takes them to an online deck that I created that will give students their education level and spending money for the activity. I created this in sheets so that it could be assigned as an assignment in google classroom.
Link for digital Spending Plan Shake-Up activity: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tcj3QFyabA4WaScrSmhkm82OBFogdMxv83bXskSK-Rg/edit?usp=sharing
Link to Diving Into Spending Plans Lessons: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vfZMIQy0kRuqM88PLunJwaTEkth9uZpA/view?usp=sharing
Google Sheets Resources
I took some things I have used in the past and made them digital. I created google sheets for different surveys and inventories that are data formatted with formulas, check boxes, and linked. I created them as sheets so that they could be assigned on Google Classroom, students could complete, and then submit back to me. These could be used both virtual and in-person. Most of these resources could really be used in 3rd grade and up. The Teele Learning Inventory uses pictures and could be used with any grade. I wanted to share these resources with KSCA in case they wanted to add them to their resources page so others could use them. They are view only copies, so anyone is free to make a copy.Barsch Learning Style Inventory
Learning Style Inventory to determine if someone is a Visual Learner, Auditory Learner, or Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner. Students will read a statement and then check if it applies to them Often, Sometimes, or Seldom. Scores will report on the Scores Tab. There is also a tab that talks about each learning style.
Teele Learning Style Inventory (Multiple Intelligences)
Learning Inventory to determine someone's learning strengths based on Multiple Intelligences. There is a link that students watch for each item. Students determine if they prefer Activity A or Activity B and check the corresponding box. Scores will report on the My Scores tab. There is also a tab that talks about each learning style.
Multiple Intelligences Inventory Walter McKenzie
There are Nine sections. Students check each box that applies to them in each section. Checks are totaled for each section. Results are linked to the Scores tab. There is also an Overview tab with a description of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
Color Quiz Personality Assessment
There are four parts to this quiz. Students will read the items on each part and check the box by the statement that fits them best. Results will tabulate in each part for a letter. They will type the winning letter in the blank provided. Winning letter boxes are linked to the Results tab. On the Results tab, students can see their personality color and type. The following tabs contain information about the personality colors and individual personality types.
Career Clusters Interest Survey
In this survey, there are 16 boxes where students will check all boxes that describe them in each box. Checked boxes will total for each section. Look to see which three boxes have the highest numbers. Find the corresponding Career Clusters on the tab following the survey to see which Career Clusters you may want to explore. There are three blanks where their top three Career Clusters of Interest can be typed.
Career Wonders Interest Survey
Career Interest Survey where there are 16 boxes where students will check all boxes that are activities of interest for them. Checked boxes will total for each section. The Results tab is linked and will show scores for each career cluster. There are three blacks where students can type their top three career clusters of interest.
Self-Care Evaluation
This is a Self-Care Evaluation someone shared with me. It came off of Teachers Pay Teachers. Students read each statement and check one box on how well they practice self-care pertaining to each statement with 5 being the best and 1 being the worst. Formulas in the sheet will give a total score. The Score Descriptions tab will also show their score and give an evaluation of where self-care score falls.
Heather Bushelman and Olivia Ballou from Longbranch Elementary (Boone Co.) share some Virtual Counseling Tools - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iM4CtxS9crfv_fqF5SwcsCLh9xzbtQ1w5SO6yPUUFvI/edit?usp=sharing
Sarah Akin from Indian Hills Elementary (Christian Co.) shared some tools: Calming Corner Bitmoji Classroom, Kindness/Empathy Library Bitmoji Classroom, SEL Daily Check in, Use of Time Google Form, GRREC Counselor Connection Google Slide presentation